Learn to Curl

Previous Dates and times - See you in the Fall for more events:

  • Evening:
    • Thursday, January 2, 7:00pm - 9:00pm - full
    • Friday, January 3, 7:00pm - 9:00pm - full
    • Monday, January 6, 7:00pm - 9:00pm - full
    • Tuesday, January 7, 7:00pm - 9:00pm - full
  • Daytime:
    • Monday, January 6, 10:00am - Noon - a handful of spots remain, sign up now!

Can't make those Learn to Curl events but still want to try curling?  See below for "Other Ways to Try Curling".

What do you need to know?

  • Minimum age, 12
  • Cost? $40
  • For children under 12, please see our Youth Curling Program More info

What will you need to bring?

  • No raised heels or flip flops. Running shoes work well as long as the soles are clean.
  • It can be cold on the ice, so we suggest dressing in layers and bringing a light jacket. Gloves and thick socks can also help.
  • Pants that offer easy movement are important as you will be required to stretch and get into positions that tight pants and jeans are not necessarily appropriate for.

Other Ways to Try Curling

  1. Check out our Pick-Up and Pizza nights. No experience is necessary. 
  2. Private rental. Perfect for any group between 8 and 32 participants. No experience necessary. See Group Events & Rentals for more information.

Adaptive Curling

Not everyone has the ability to slide gracefully out of the hack to deliver the perfect stone. To be honest, most people find that difficult. Some individuals have medical reasons to avoid sliding on ice, whether as a short-term injury, a part of aging, or who just who they are. Not being able to slide does not mean that you are unable to curl. It only means that you will need to use a modified delivery strategy, either with a Stick or to utilize a Wheelchair. All leagues at Triangle Curling Club are designed to incorporate either Stick or Wheelchair curlers into general play without the need for a special league or major modifications.

Wheelchair Curling

Wheelchair curling provides an adaptation to the game for players that are unable to deliver a stone from the sliding position or walking down the ice. The Triangle Curling ice sheet has a removable ramp centered between sheets B and C for easy access on and off the ice. There is no dedicated Wheelchair Curling league. Wheelchair curlers looking to participate in a General Learn-to-Curl, Pick-up and Pizza, or Private rental need to make sure to let the coordinator know in advance of their Wheelchair status. This ensures that we have volunteers at the ready who have experience with Wheelchair curlers to provide the best experience.

**Special Opportunity**

Apply now for the opportunity to participate in a special Learn-to-Curl run by the US Wheelchair Curling national team on the afternoons of April 9th - 11th, 2025 . You can register for 1 or 3 sessions for this very special Wheelchair Learn-to-Curl. All participants must use a wheelchair on the ice during this session, but do not have to use a wheelchair off the ice. See the Event Description for more information.


2310 So Hi Drive, Durham, NC 27703 - 1 mile off the Ellis Road exit of I-885

Want to be e-mailed about future classes? Click HERE


Check out this video from Our State Magazine to learn more about curling in the Triangle.


All particpants going on the ice will need to sign a waiver. Minors will need a parent/guardian to sign a waiver for them.


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Contact Us

Triangle Curling

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Mailing Address

P.O. Box 14628
Durham, NC 27709


2310 So Hi Drive
Durham, NC 27703 

Why don't we have a phone number?



Interested in Curling?

Give curling a try! We're always happy to welcome new curlers onto the ice. Please view our League Description page and make sure to sign-up for our Learn-to-Curl sessions. For more information or email us with your questions. Good Curling!

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